Botox, Nasolbial Fold, Voluma, Cupids Bow · Rancho Cucamonga
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Med Spa Packages in Rancho Cucamonga, Chino Hills, Inland Empire

Botox, Nasolabial Fold, Cupids Bow, Cheek Filler · Rancho Cucamonga

This patient came in for a few procedures.

Botox Procedure

To reduce and remove lines from the forehead, crows feet around the eyes, and glabellar lines (pesky twin lines between the eyebrows). Botox normally takes within 45 days to see full results.

Cheek Fillers

Voluma was used to fill, contour, and lift the cheekbones. She can expect it to settle within 2 weeks.

Nasolabial Folds (Puppeteer, Laugh-lines)

Voluma was used once again to fill the laugh lines around the mouth, also known as the Nasolabial.

Cupids Bow Procedure

The Cupids Bow procedure enhances the shape of the lip and adding subtle volume along with the cupids bow and edges of the lip, rather than inflating the entire lip area. We also used filler on the outside rim of the lip to remove lines from puckering, smokers lines. Immediate results, 3-5 days to settle.

Please be aware…video is shot directly after the procedure which depicts slight swelling from the puncturing on the forehead and lip area. Swelling normally takes around 3-5 days to fully settle.

Ask us about combo medspa package at 909-463-0715 geminiplasticsurgery.com
Rancho Cucamonga · Inland Empire · Orange County · Los Angeles · Chino Hills

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This patient came in for a few procedures: — Botox Procedure: To reduce and remove lines from the forehead, crows feet around the eyes, and glabeller lines (pesky twin lines between the eyebrows). Botox normally takes within 45 days to see full results. — Cheek Fillers: Voluma was used to fill, contour and lift the cheek bones. She can expect it to settle within 2 weeks. — Nasolabial Folds (Puppeteer, Laugh-lines): Voluma was used once again to fill the laugh lines around the mouth, also known as the Nasolabial. — Cupids Bow Procedure (Not Lip Fillers): The Cupids Bow procedure enhances the shape of the lip and adding subtle volume along the cupids bow and edges of the lip, rather than inflating the entire lip area. We also used filler on the outside rim of the lip to remove lines from puckering, smokers lines. Immediate results, 3-5 days to settle. — Call to book a combo medspa package at 909-463-0715 https://www.geminiplasticsurgery.com/ Rancho Cucamonga · Inland Empire · Orange County · Los Angeles · Chino Hills – #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #fillers #botox #injectables #cheekfillers #cupidsbow #plasticsurgeon #rancho #dellabennettmd #lips #inlandempire  #losangeles #orangecounty  #lipfillers #geminiplasticsurgery #victoriagardens #ranchocucamonga #medspa #medicalspa #rejuvederm #sexy #momlife #voluma #chinohillsmedspa #medspachinohills #medispachinohills #medspachino – Gemini Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa

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